Archived FB LIVE High Intensity Interval Training (HIITFit)
A series of FB Live High-Intensity Interval Training workouts consisting of strength and conditioning exercise via weighted and bodyweight exercises.
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HIITFit Bodyweight Workout 1
HIITFit Bodyweight Workout 2
HIITFit Bodyweight Workout 3
HIITFit Bodyweight (Weighted Options) Workout 4
HIITFit Bodyweight Workout 5
HIITFit Bodyweight (Weighted Options) Workout 6
HIITFit Bodyweight (Weighted Options) Workout 7
HIITFIt Weighted (Bodyweight Options) Workout 8
HIITFit Workout 9 (Weighted Options)
HIITFit Workout 10 (Weighted Options)
HIITFit Workout 11
HIIT Workout 12
HIIT Workout 13
HIIT Workout 14
HIIT Workout 15
HIIT Workout 16 (Power-Strength-Endurance) Upper-body, Lower-body & Core!
HIIT Workout 17
HIIT Bodyweight Workout 18 (06/15/20)
HIIT (Weighted options) Grab a towel! (06/22/20)
FB LIVE Weighted and Bodyweight Option.
FB LIVE (07/13/20)